Part I - Add A Building

We're going to add the first action to our buildings application. In a CQRS system, such as Event Machine, operations and processes are triggered by messages. Those messages can have three different types and define the API of the application. In the first part of the tutorial we learn the first message type: command.


The Event Machine skeleton includes an API folder (src/Api) that contains a predefined set of EventMachineDescription classes. We will look at these descriptions step by step and start with src/Api/Command.php:



namespace App\Api;

use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;

class Command implements EventMachineDescription
     * Define command names using constants
     * @example
     * const REGISTER_USER = 'RegisterUser';

     * @param EventMachine $eventMachine
    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void
        //Describe commands of the service and corresponding payload schema (used for input validation)

The Command description is used to group all commands of our application into one file and add semantic meaning to our code. Replace the comment with a real constant const ADD_BUILDING = 'AddBuilding'; and register the command in the describe method.



namespace App\Api;

use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;

class Command implements EventMachineDescription
    const ADD_BUILDING = 'AddBuilding';

     * @param EventMachine $eventMachine
    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void
                    'buildingId' => JsonSchema::uuid(),
                    'name' => JsonSchema::string(['minLength' => 2])

Event Machine uses JSON Schema to describe messages. The advantage of JSON schema is that we can configure validation rules for our messages. Whenever Event Machine receives a message (command, event or query) it uses the defined JSON Schema for that message to validate the input. We configure it once and Event Machine takes care of the rest.

Note: The skeleton defines the namespace App in composer.json and maps it to the src directory. You can change that for your own project, but you need to change the namespaces of the classes/interfaces shipped with the skeleton which are located in the src directory (just a few helpers)


Event Machine Descriptions are very important. They are called at "compile time" and used to configure Event Machine. Later in the tutorial we learn more about using Event Machine in production. In production mode the descriptions are only called once and cached to speed up bootstrapping.

Swagger Integration

Switch to the Swagger UI and reload the schema (press explore button). Swagger UI should show a new command called AddBuilding in the commands section.

Click on the "Try it out" button and execute the AddBuilding command with the this request body:

  "payload": {
    "buildingId": "9ee8d8a8-3bd3-4425-acee-f6f08b8633bb",
    "name": "Acme Headquarters"
  "error": {
    "message": "CommandBus was not able to identify a CommandHandler for command AddBuilding",
    "details": "..."

Our command cannot be handled because a command handler is missing. In Event Machine commands can be routed directly to Aggregates. In part II of the the tutorial you'll learn more about pure aggregates.

Sum up: Event Machine Descriptions allow you to easily describe the API of your application using messages. The messages get a unique name and their payload is described with JSON Schema which allow us to add validation rules. The messages and their schema are translated to an OpenAPI v3 Schema and we can use Swagger UI to interact with the backend service.

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