Bonus I - Custom Projection

The product owner comes along with a new feature request. They need a way to look up the building a user is checked into, if any.


Before we implement that feature you're asked to implement the check out user use case. Add a command CheckOutUser and an event UserCheckedOut. Let the Building aggregate and Building\State handle the command and make sure that DoubleCheckOutDetected can also be monitored using the monitoring UI.

Does it work? Great!

Implement a Projector

What we need is a list of usernames and a reference to the building they are checked into. A custom projection can keep track of UserCheckedIn and UserCheckedOut events to keep the list up-to-date.

First check in John again (in case he is checked out because you've successfully tested the CheckOutUser command)!

To do that we need our own Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\Projector implementation. Create a new class called UserBuildingList in src/Infrastructure/Projector with the following content:


namespace App\Infrastructure\Projector;

use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\AggregateProjector;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\Projector;

final class UserBuildingList implements Projector
     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

    public function __construct(DocumentStore $documentStore)
        $this->documentStore = $documentStore;

    public function prepareForRun(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): void
        if(!$this->documentStore->hasCollection($this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName))) {
                $this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName)
                /* Note: we could pass index configuration as a second argument, see docs for details */

    public function handle(string $appVersion, string $projectionName, Message $event): void
        $collection = $this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName);

        switch ($event->messageName()) {
            case Event::USER_CHECKED_IN:
                    $event->get(Payload::NAME), //Use username as doc id
                    [Payload::BUILDING_ID => $event->get(Payload::BUILDING_ID)]
            case Event::USER_CHECKED_OUT:
                $this->documentStore->deleteDoc($collection, $event->get(Payload::NAME));
                //Ignore unknown events

    public function deleteReadModel(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): void
        $this->documentStore->dropCollection($this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName));

    private function generateCollectionName(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): string
        //We can use the naming strategy of the aggregate projector for our custom projection, too
        return AggregateProjector::generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName);

Make the projector available as a service in src/Service/ServiceFactory:


namespace App\Service;

use App\Infrastructure\Projector\UserBuildingList;
use ...

final class ServiceFactory
    use ServiceRegistry;

     * @var ArrayReader
    private $config;

     * @var ContainerInterface
    private $container;

    /* ... */

    public function buildingFinder(): BuildingFinder
        return $this->makeSingleton(BuildingFinder::class, function () {
            return new BuildingFinder(

    public function userBuildingListProjector(): UserBuildingList
        return $this->makeSingleton(UserBuildingList::class, function () {
            return new UserBuildingList($this->documentStore());

    /* ... */

And describe the projector in src/Api/Projection:



namespace App\Api;

use App\Infrastructure\Projector\UserBuildingList;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\Stream;

class Projection implements EventMachineDescription
    const USER_BUILDING_LIST = 'user_building_list';

     * @param EventMachine $eventMachine
    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void

            ->with(self::USER_BUILDING_LIST, UserBuildingList::class)

If you look at the Postgres DB you should see a new table called em_ds_user_building_list_0_1_0 but the table is empty. We can reset the long-running projection process used by Event Machine and therefor recreate all read models. This will fill the new read model with data from the past. That's cool, isn't it?

Run the command docker-compose run php php bin/reset.php in the project directory and check the table again.

Here we go:

id doc
John {"buildingId": "9ee8d8a8-3bd3-4425-acee-f6f08b8633bb"}

If the table is empty make sure that you've checked in John. If that's the case, your projection might have a problem. Check the troubleshooting section of Event Machine's README.

Look up

We can add a new query, finder and corresponding type definitions to complete the look up feature.




namespace App\Api;

use App\Model\Building;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\Type\ObjectType;

class Type implements EventMachineDescription
    const HEALTH_CHECK = 'HealthCheck';
    const USER_BUILDING = 'UserBuilding'; //<-- new type

    /* ... */

    private static function userBuilding(): ObjectType
        return JsonSchema::object([
            'user' => Schema::username(),
            'building' => Schema::building()->asNullable(), //<-- type ref to building, can be null

     * @param EventMachine $eventMachine
    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void
        //Register the HealthCheck type returned by @see \App\Api\Query::HEALTH_CHECK
        $eventMachine->registerType(self::HEALTH_CHECK, self::healthCheck());

        $eventMachine->registerType(Aggregate::BUILDING, Building\State::__schema());

        $eventMachine->registerType(self::USER_BUILDING, self::userBuilding()); //<-- type registration




namespace App\Api;

use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\Type\ArrayType;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\Type\StringType;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\Type\TypeRef;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\Type\UuidType;

class Schema
    /* ... */

    public static function username(): StringType
        return JsonSchema::string()->withMinLength(1);

    public static function userBuilding(): TypeRef
        return JsonSchema::typeRef(Type::USER_BUILDING);

    /* ... */



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder;

use App\Api\Payload;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use React\Promise\Deferred;

final class UserBuildingFinder
     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

     * @var string
    private $userBuildingCollection;

     * @var string
    private $buildingCollection;

    public function __construct(DocumentStore $documentStore, string $userBuildingCol, string $buildingCol)
        $this->documentStore = $documentStore;
        $this->userBuildingCollection = $userBuildingCol;
        $this->buildingCollection = $buildingCol;

    public function __invoke(Message $query, Deferred $deferred): void
        $userBuilding = $this->documentStore->getDoc(

        if(!$userBuilding) {
                'user' => $query->get(Payload::NAME),
                'building' => null

        $building = $this->documentStore->getDoc(

        if(!$building) {
                'user' => $query->get(Payload::NAME),
                'building' => null

            'user' => $query->get(Payload::NAME),
            'building' => $building



namespace App\Service;

use App\Infrastructure\Finder\UserBuildingFinder;
use ...

final class ServiceFactory
    use ServiceRegistry;

     * @var ArrayReader
    private $config;

     * @var ContainerInterface
    private $container;

    /* ... */

    public function userBuildingFidner(): UserBuildingFinder
        return $this->makeSingleton(UserBuildingFinder::class, function () {
            return new UserBuildingFinder(
    /* ... */




namespace App\Api;

use App\Infrastructure\Finder\UserBuildingFinder;
use ...

class Query implements EventMachineDescription
     * Default Query, used to perform health checks using messagebox endpoint
    /* ... */
    const USER_BUILDING = 'UserBuilding';

    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void
        /* ... */

            JsonSchema::object(['name' => Schema::username()])

Swagger - UserBuilding query

  "payload": {
    "name": "John"


  "user": "John",
  "building": {
    "name": "Acme Headquarters",
    "users": [
    "buildingId": "9ee8d8a8-3bd3-4425-acee-f6f08b8633bb"

An hour of work (with a bit more practice even less) and we are ready to ship the new feature! Rapid application development at its best! RAD is ok, but please don't skip testing! In the second bonus part of the tutorial we'll learn that Event Machine makes it easy to run integration tests. Don't miss it!

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