Bonus III - Functional Flavour

Event Machine has a nice feature called Flavours. A Flavour lets you customize the way Event Machine interacts with your code. Throughout the tutorial we worked with the PrototypingFlavour, which is the default.

As the name suggests, the PrototypingFlavour is optimized for rapid development. For example instead of defining classes for each type of message, Event Machine passes its default Message implementation to aggregate functions, process manager, finder and projectors. You don't need to care about serialization and mapping.

If you want to try out new ideas, PrototypingFlavour is your best friend. Following Domain-Driven Design best practices Continuous Discovery and Agile Development are key drivers for successful projects. This requires experimentation and with the PrototypingFlavour it's easier than ever.

Harden The Domain Model

Experimentation is great, but at some point you'll be satisfied with the domain model and want to turn it into a clean and robust implementation. That's very important for long-lived applications. Fortunately, Event Machine offers two additional Flavours. One is called the FunctionalFlavour and the other one OopFlavour. Finally, you can implement your own Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\Flavour to turn Event Machine into your very own CQRS / ES framework.

First let's look at the FunctionalFlavour. It's similar to what we did so fare, except that explicit message types are used instead of generic Event Machine messages.

Functional Port

The FunctionalFlavour requires an implementation of Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\Functional\Port. Here you have to define custom mapping and serialization logic for message types. Create a new class AppMessagePort in src/Infrastructure/Flavour:


namespace App\Infrastructure\Flavour;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\MessageBag;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\Functional\Port;

final class AppMessagePort implements Port
     * @param Message $message
     * @return mixed The custom message
    public function deserialize(Message $message)
        // TODO: Implement deserialize() method.

     * @param mixed $customMessage
     * @return array
    public function serializePayload($customMessage): array
        // TODO: Implement serializePayload() method.

     * @param mixed $customEvent
     * @return MessageBag
    public function decorateEvent($customEvent): MessageBag
        // TODO: Implement decorateEvent() method.

     * @param string $aggregateIdPayloadKey
     * @param mixed $command
     * @return string
    public function getAggregateIdFromCommand(string $aggregateIdPayloadKey, $command): string
        // TODO: Implement getAggregateIdFromCommand() method.

     * @param mixed $customCommand
     * @param mixed $preProcessor Custom preprocessor
     * @return mixed Custom message
    public function callCommandPreProcessor($customCommand, $preProcessor)
        // TODO: Implement callCommandPreProcessor() method.

     * @param mixed $customCommand
     * @param mixed $contextProvider
     * @return mixed
    public function callContextProvider($customCommand, $contextProvider)
        // TODO: Implement callContextProvider() method.

We'll implement the interface step by step and define a mapping strategy along the way.


First method is deserialize:

 * @param Message $message
 * @return mixed The custom message
public function deserialize(Message $message)
    // TODO: Implement deserialize() method.

An Event Machine message is passed as argument and the method should return a custom message. The first important decision is required:

Which serialization technique do we want to use? Some people prefer handcrafted serialization, while others prefer conventions or serializers. The good news is, every technique can be used! It just needs to be implemented in the Port.

To keep the tutorial simple, we're going to use the tools shipped with Event Machine. That said, our messages become ImmutableRecords and use the build-in serialization technique provided by ImmutableRecordLogic.

The fact that messages are still coupled with the framework is not important here. It's our decision as developers to do it, but nothing required by Event Machine. We could also write our own serialization mechanism or use a third-party tool like FPP.

Let's create some types and messages first:



namespace App\Model\Building;

use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface;

final class BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

    public static function generate(): self
        return new self(Uuid::uuid4());

    public static function fromString(string $buildingId): self
        return new self(Uuid::fromString($buildingId));

    private function __construct(UuidInterface $buildingId)
        $this->buildingId = $buildingId;

    public function toString(): string
        return $this->buildingId->toString();

    public function equals($other): bool
        if (!$other instanceof self) {
            return false;

        return $this->buildingId->equals($other->buildingId);

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->buildingId->toString();



namespace App\Model\Building;

final class BuildingName
    private $name;

    public static function fromString(string $name): self
        return new self($name);

    private function __construct(string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function toString(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function equals($other): bool
        if(!$other instanceof self) {
            return false;

        return $this->name === $other->name;

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building;

final class Username
    private $name;

    public static function fromString(string $name): self
        return new self($name);

    private function __construct(string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function toString(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function equals($other): bool
        if(!$other instanceof self) {
            return false;

        return $this->name === $other->name;

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Command;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\BuildingName;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class AddBuilding implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var BuildingName
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return BuildingName
    public function name(): BuildingName
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Command;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class CheckInUser implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Command;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class CheckOutUser implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;

Ok, much more classes now. Each property has its own value object like BuildingId, BuildingName and Username. Again, that's not a requirement but it adds type safety to the implementation and serves as documentation. Don't worry about the amount of code. Most of it can be generated using PHPStorm templates. Event Machine docs contain useful tips. Another possibility is the already mentioned library FPP.

With the value objects in place we've added a class for each command and implemented them as immutable records. Now we need a factory to instantiate a command with information taken from Event Machine messages. App\Api\Command already contains command specific information. Let's add the factory there.


namespace App\Api;

use App\Model\Building\Command\AddBuilding;
use App\Model\Building\Command\CheckInUser;
use App\Model\Building\Command\CheckOutUser;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;

class Command implements EventMachineDescription
    const ADD_BUILDING = 'AddBuilding';
    const CHECK_IN_USER = 'CheckInUser';
    const CHECK_OUT_USER = 'CheckOutUser';

    const CLASS_MAP = [
        self::ADD_BUILDING => AddBuilding::class,
        self::CHECK_IN_USER => CheckInUser::class,
        self::CHECK_OUT_USER => CheckOutUser::class,

    public static function createFromNameAndPayload(string $commandName, array $payload)
        $class = self::CLASS_MAP[$commandName] ?? false;

        if($class === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown command name: $commandName");

        //Commands use ImmutableRecordLogic and therefor have a fromArray method
        return $class::fromArray($payload);

    public static function nameOf($command): string
        $name = array_search(\get_class($command), self::CLASS_MAP);

        if($name === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown command. Cannot find a name for class: " . \get_class($command));

        return $name;

    /* ... */

Finally, the factory can be used in the Port:


 * @param Message $message
 * @return mixed The custom message
public function deserialize(Message $message)
    switch ($message->messageType()) {
        case Message::TYPE_COMMAND:
            return Command::createFromNameAndPayload($message->messageName(), $message->payload());

A similar implementation is required for events and queries:



namespace App\Model\Building\Event;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\BuildingName;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class BuildingAdded implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var BuildingName
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return BuildingName
    public function name(): BuildingName
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Event;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class UserCheckedIn implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Event;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class DoubleCheckInDetected implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Event;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class UserCheckedOut implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Model\Building\Event;

use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\Username;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class DoubleCheckOutDetected implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var Username
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return Username
    public function name(): Username
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Api;

use App\Model\Building\Event\BuildingAdded;
use App\Model\Building\Event\DoubleCheckInDetected;
use App\Model\Building\Event\DoubleCheckOutDetected;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedIn;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedOut;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;

class Event implements EventMachineDescription
    const BUILDING_ADDED = 'BuildingAdded';
    const USER_CHECKED_IN = 'UserCheckedIn';
    const USER_CHECKED_OUT = 'UserCheckedOut';
    const DOUBLE_CHECK_IN_DETECTED = 'DoubleCheckInDetected';
    const DOUBLE_CHECK_OUT_DETECTED = 'DoubleCheckOutDetected';

    const CLASS_MAP = [
        self::BUILDING_ADDED => BuildingAdded::class,
        self::USER_CHECKED_IN => UserCheckedIn::class,
        self::USER_CHECKED_OUT => UserCheckedOut::class,
        self::DOUBLE_CHECK_IN_DETECTED => DoubleCheckInDetected::class,
        self::DOUBLE_CHECK_OUT_DETECTED => DoubleCheckOutDetected::class,

    public static function createFromNameAndPayload(string $eventName, array $payload)
        $class = self::CLASS_MAP[$eventName] ?? false;

        if($class === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown event name: $eventName");

        //Commands use ImmutableRecordLogic and therefor have a fromArray method
        return $class::fromArray($payload);

    public static function nameOf($event): string
        $name = array_search(\get_class($event), self::CLASS_MAP);

        if($name === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown event. Cannot find a name for class: " . \get_class($event));

        return $name;

    /* ... */



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class GetBuilding implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var string
    private $buildingId;

     * @return string
    public function buildingId(): string
        return $this->buildingId;



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class GetBuildings implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var string|null
    private $name;

     * @return null|string
    public function name(): ?string
        return $this->name;



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class GetUserBuildingList implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var string
    private $name;

     * @return string
    public function name(): string
        return $this->name;




namespace App\Api;

use App\Infrastructure\Finder\BuildingFinder;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetBuilding;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetBuildings;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetUserBuildingList;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\UserBuildingFinder;
use App\Infrastructure\System\HealthCheckResolver;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;
use Prooph\EventMachine\JsonSchema\JsonSchema;

class Query implements EventMachineDescription
     * Default Query, used to perform health checks using messagebox endpoint
    const HEALTH_CHECK = 'HealthCheck';
    const BUILDING = 'Building';
    const BUILDINGS = 'Buildings';
    const USER_BUILDING = 'UserBuilding';

    const CLASS_MAP = [
        self::BUILDING => GetBuilding::class,
        self::BUILDINGS => GetBuildings::class,
        self::USER_BUILDING => GetUserBuildingList::class,

    public static function createFromNameAndPayload(string $queryName, array $payload)
        if($queryName === self::HEALTH_CHECK) {
            return new MessageBag(

        $class = self::CLASS_MAP[$queryName] ?? false;

        if($class === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown query name: $queryName");

        //Commands use ImmutableRecordLogic and therefor have a fromArray method
        return $class::fromArray($payload);

    public static function nameOf($query): string
        if($query instanceof MessageBag) {
            return $query->messageName();

        $name = array_search(\get_class($query), self::CLASS_MAP);

        if($name === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown query. Cannot find a name for class: " . \get_class($query));

        return $name;

    /* ... */


 * @param Message $message
 * @return mixed The custom message
public function deserialize(Message $message)
    switch ($message->messageType()) {
        case Message::TYPE_COMMAND:
            return Command::createFromNameAndPayload($message->messageName(), $message->payload());
        case Message::TYPE_EVENT:
            return Event::createFromNameAndPayload($message->messageName(), $message->payload());
        case Message::TYPE_QUERY:
            return Query::createFromNameAndPayload($message->messageName(), $message->payload());

Serialize Payload

To convert our own message types to Event Machine messages we have to implement the serializePayload method:


 * @param mixed $customMessage
 * @return array
public function serializePayload($customMessage): array
    if(is_array($customMessage)) {
        return $customMessage;

    if(!$customMessage instanceof ImmutableRecord) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(
            "Invalid message passed to " . __METHOD__
            . ". Should be an immutable record, but got "
            . (\is_object($customMessage)? \get_class($customMessage) : \gettype($customMessage)));

    return $customMessage->toArray();

Decorate Event

decorateEvent is a special method called for each event yielded by an aggregate function. The expected return type is Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\MessageBag. You can think of it as an envelop for custom messages. The MessageBag can be used to add metadata information to events. Event Machine adds information like aggregate id, aggregate type, aggregate version, causation id (command id) and causation name (command name) by default. If you want to add additional metadata, just pass it to the MessageBag constructor (optional argument).

Decorating a custom event with a MessageBas has the advantage that a custom message can be carried through the Event Machine layer without serialization. Event Machine assumes a normal message and adds aggregate specific metadata like described above. The MessageBag is then passed back to the configured flavour to call a corresponding apply function. The flavour can access the decorated event and pass it to the function. All without serialization in between.


 * @param mixed $customEvent
 * @return MessageBag
public function decorateEvent($customEvent): MessageBag
    return new MessageBag(
        //, [] <- you could add additional metadata here

Get Aggregate ID from Command

Event Machine has a built-in way to locate existing aggregates using a generic command handler and repository. But it needs the correct aggregateId. Each command should contain the same aggregateId property. Remember that this information is part of an Event Machine description:



namespace App\Api;

use App\Model\Building;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachineDescription;

class Aggregate implements EventMachineDescription
    const BUILDING = 'Building';

     * @param EventMachine $eventMachine
    public static function describe(EventMachine $eventMachine): void
            ->identifiedBy(Payload::BUILDING_ID) //<-- AggregateId payload property
            ->handle([Building::class, 'add'])
            ->apply([Building::class, 'whenBuildingAdded']);

        /* ... */

Each Building command should have a builidngId property. Our newly created commands have buildingId() methods that we could call. An explicit implementation looks like this:

 * @param string $aggregateIdPayloadKey
 * @param mixed $command
 * @return string
public function getAggregateIdFromCommand(string $aggregateIdPayloadKey, $command): string
    if($command instanceof AddBuilding
        || $command instanceof CheckInUser
        || $command instanceof CheckOutUser) {
        return $command->buildingId()->toString();

    throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown command. Cannot get aggregate id from it. Got " . get_class($command));

But we would need to remember adding a new command here each time we add a new one to the system. That's annoying and interrupts the flow. Instead we can define an AggregateCommand interface that each command should implement.



namespace App\Model\Base;

interface AggregateCommand
    public function aggregateId(): string;



namespace App\Model\Building\Command;

use App\Model\Base\AggregateCommand;
use App\Model\Building\BuildingId;
use App\Model\Building\BuildingName;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class AddBuilding implements ImmutableRecord, AggregateCommand //<-- Implement new interface
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var BuildingName
    private $name;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return BuildingName
    public function name(): BuildingName
        return $this->name;

    public function aggregateId(): string //<-- new method
        return $this->buildingId->toString();

Do the same for CheckInUser and CheckOutUser!

Done? Great! Then we can change the Port to handle any AggregateCommand:


 * @param string $aggregateIdPayloadKey
 * @param mixed $command
 * @return string
public function getAggregateIdFromCommand(string $aggregateIdPayloadKey, $command): string
    if($command instanceof AggregateCommand) {
        return $command->aggregateId();

    throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown command. Cannot get aggregate id from it. Got " . get_class($command));

Call Command Preprocessor

We don't know command preprocessors yet. In short: a command preprocessor can be called before a command is passed to an aggregate function. This can be useful in cases where you want to enrich a command with additional information or perform advanced validation that is not covered by Json Schema. Read more about command preprocessors in the docs.

Since we don't use one in the building application, we don't really need to implement the method. Let's assume that our future command preprocessors will be simple callables:


 * @param mixed $customCommand
 * @param mixed $preProcessor Custom preprocessor
 * @return mixed Custom message
public function callCommandPreProcessor($customCommand, $preProcessor)
    if(is_callable($preProcessor)) {
        return $preProcessor($customCommand);

    throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot call preprocessor. Got "
        . (is_object($preProcessor)? get_class($preProcessor) : gettype($preProcessor))

Call Context Provider

Another concept that we don't know yet. A context provider can be used to inject context into aggregate functions. Again, read more about context providers in the docs.

We're implementing a functional Flavour, so we expect a callable context provider passed to the port:


 * @param mixed $customCommand
 * @param mixed $contextProvider
 * @return mixed
public function callContextProvider($customCommand, $contextProvider)
    if(is_callable($contextProvider)) {
        return $contextProvider($customCommand);

    throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot call context provider. Got "
        . (is_object($contextProvider)? get_class($contextProvider) : gettype($contextProvider))

All methods of the Functional\Port are implemented. Good job! But we're not done yet.

Switching The Flavour

Event Machine is looking for a Flavour in the app container passed to EventMachine::initialize(). With a new flavour method in the ServiceFactory we can provide one.


namespace App\Service;

use App\Infrastructure\Flavour\AppMessagePort;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\Flavour;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\FunctionalFlavour;
/* ... */

final class ServiceFactory
    use ServiceRegistry;

     * @var ArrayReader
    private $config;

     * @var ContainerInterface
    private $container;

    public function __construct(array $appConfig)
        $this->config = new ArrayReader($appConfig);

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container): void
        $this->container = $container;

    public function flavour(): Flavour
        return $this->makeSingleton(Flavour::class, function () {
            return new FunctionalFlavour(
                new AppMessagePort()
                 * Additionally, inject a custom Prooph\EventMachine\Data\DataConverter
                 * if aggregate state does not implement ImmutableRecord!

    /* ... */

Additionally, a service alias is required because Event Machine uses EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_FLAVOUR for look ups. Such an alias can be defined in config/container.php (using the Event Machine Skeleton app):

declare(strict_types = 1);

$config = include 'config.php';

$serviceFactory = new \App\Service\ServiceFactory($config);

//@TODO use cached serviceFactoryMap for production
$container = new \Prooph\EventMachine\Container\ReflectionBasedContainer(
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_EVENT_STORE => \Prooph\EventStore\EventStore::class,
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_PROJECTION_MANAGER => \Prooph\EventStore\Projection\ProjectionManager::class,
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_COMMAND_BUS => \App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus\CommandBus::class,
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_EVENT_BUS => \App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus\EventBus::class,
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_QUERY_BUS => \App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus\QueryBus::class,
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_DOCUMENT_STORE => \Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore::class,
        //Flavour alias
        \Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine::SERVICE_ID_FLAVOUR => \Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\Flavour::class,


return $container;

Everything set up 🎉. Refactoring can start!


Switching the Flavour means all generic messages have to be replaced with their concrete implementations.

In a larger project we might want to switch to another Flavour step by step. In that case a "Proxy Flavour" is required that uses PrototypingFlavour and FunctionalFlavour (or OopFlavour) internally together with a mapping of already migrated parts of the application.



namespace App\Model;

use App\Model\Building\Command\AddBuilding;
use App\Model\Building\Command\CheckInUser;
use App\Model\Building\Command\CheckOutUser;
use App\Model\Building\Event\BuildingAdded;
use App\Model\Building\Event\DoubleCheckInDetected;
use App\Model\Building\Event\DoubleCheckOutDetected;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedIn;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedOut;

final class Building
    public static function add(AddBuilding $addBuilding): \Generator
        yield BuildingAdded::fromArray($addBuilding->toArray());

    public static function whenBuildingAdded(BuildingAdded $buildingAdded): Building\State
        return Building\State::fromArray($buildingAdded->toArray());

    public static function checkInUser(Building\State $state, CheckInUser $checkInUser): \Generator
        if($state->isUserCheckedIn($checkInUser->name())) {
            yield DoubleCheckInDetected::fromArray($checkInUser->toArray());

        yield UserCheckedIn::fromArray($checkInUser->toArray());

    public static function whenUserCheckedIn(Building\State $state, UserCheckedIn $userCheckedIn): Building\State
        return $state->withCheckedInUser($userCheckedIn->name());

    public static function whenDoubleCheckInDetected(Building\State $state, DoubleCheckInDetected $event): Building\State
        //No state change required, simply return current state
        return $state;

    public static function checkOutUser(Building\State $state, CheckOutUser $checkOutUser): \Generator
        if(!$state->isUserCheckedIn($checkOutUser->name())) {
            yield DoubleCheckOutDetected::fromArray($checkOutUser->toArray());

        yield UserCheckedOut::fromArray($checkOutUser->toArray());

    public static function whenUserCheckedOut(Building\State $state, UserCheckedOut $userCheckedOut): Building\State
        return $state->withCheckedOutUser($userCheckedOut->name());

    public static function whenDoubleCheckOutDetected(Building\State $state, DoubleCheckOutDetected $event): Building\State
        //No state change required, simply return current state
        return $state;

Building\State should make use of the new data types as well:


namespace App\Model\Building;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecord;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Data\ImmutableRecordLogic;

final class State implements ImmutableRecord
    use ImmutableRecordLogic;

     * @var BuildingId
    private $buildingId;

     * @var BuildingName
    private $name;

     * @var Username[]
    private $users = [];

    private static function arrayPropItemTypeMap(): array
        return ['users' => Username::class];

     * Called in constructor after setting props but before not null assertion
     * Override to set default props after construction
    private function init(): void
        //Build internal users map
        $users = [];
        foreach ($this->users as $username) {
            $users[$username->toString()] = null;
        $this->users = $users;

     * @return BuildingId
    public function buildingId(): BuildingId
        return $this->buildingId;

     * @return BuildingName
    public function name(): BuildingName
        return $this->name;

     * @return Username[]
    public function users(): array
        return array_map(function (string $username) {
            return Username::fromString($username);
        }, array_keys($this->users));

    public function withCheckedInUser(Username $username): State
        $copy = clone $this;
        $copy->users[$username->toString()] = null;
        return $copy;

    public function withCheckedOutUser(Username $username): State
        if(!$this->isUserCheckedIn($username)) {
            return $this;

        $copy = clone $this;
        return $copy;

    public function isUserCheckedIn(Username $username): bool
        return array_key_exists($username->toString(), $this->users);

UserBuildingList projector now needs to implement the interface Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\CustomEventProjector instead of Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\Projector:



namespace App\Infrastructure\Projector;

use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedIn;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedOut;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\AggregateProjector;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\CustomEventProjector;

final class UserBuildingList implements CustomEventProjector
     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

    public function __construct(DocumentStore $documentStore)
        $this->documentStore = $documentStore;

    public function prepareForRun(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): void
        if(!$this->documentStore->hasCollection($this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName))) {
                $this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName)
            /* Note: we could pass index configuration as a second argument, see docs for details */

    public function handle(string $appVersion, string $projectionName, $event): void
        $collection = $this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName);

        switch (\get_class($event)) {
            case UserCheckedIn::class:
                /** @var $event UserCheckedIn */
                    $event->name()->toString(), //Use username as doc id
                    [Payload::BUILDING_ID => $event->buildingId()->toString()]
            case UserCheckedOut::class:
                /** @var $event UserCheckedOut */
                $this->documentStore->deleteDoc($collection, $event->name()->toString());
                //Ignore unknown events

    public function deleteReadModel(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): void
        $this->documentStore->dropCollection($this->generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName));

    private function generateCollectionName(string $appVersion, string $projectionName): string
        //We can use the naming strategy of the aggregate projector for our custom projection, too
        return AggregateProjector::generateCollectionName($appVersion, $projectionName);

The UiExchange event listener included in the skeleton application needs to b aligned, too. First, the corresponding interface should handle any type of event:




namespace App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus;

use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;

 * Marker Interface UiExchange
 * @package App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus
interface UiExchange
    public function __invoke($event): void;

Second, an implementation of the interface should handle our event objects. The skeleton simply uses an anonymous class to implement the interface. It can be found and changed in the ServiceFactory.

It's an anonymous class because the UiExchange is only included in the skeleton to demonstrate how events can be pushed to a message queue and consumed by a UI. The implementation is not meant to be used in production. You can get some inspiration from it, but please work out a production grade solution yourself.


namespace App\Service;

/* ... */

final class ServiceFactory
    /* ... */

    public function uiExchange(): UiExchange
        return $this->makeSingleton(UiExchange::class, function () {

            $connection = new \Humus\Amqp\Driver\AmqpExtension\Connection(


            $channel = $connection->newChannel();

            $exchange = $channel->newExchange();

            $exchange->setName($this->config->stringValue('rabbit.ui_exchange', 'ui-exchange'));


            $humusProducer = new \Humus\Amqp\JsonProducer($exchange);

            $messageProducer = new \Prooph\ServiceBus\Message\HumusAmqp\AmqpMessageProducer(
                new class implements MessageConverter {
                    public function convertToArray(\Prooph\Common\Messaging\Message $domainMessage): array
                        return [
                            'uuid' => $domainMessage->uuid()->toString(),
                            'message_name' => $domainMessage->messageName(),
                            'payload' => $domainMessage->payload(),
                            'metadata' => $domainMessage->metadata(),
                            'created_at' => $domainMessage->createdAt()

            $flavour = $this->flavour();

            return new class($messageProducer, $flavour) implements UiExchange {
                private $producer;
                private $flavour;
                public function __construct(AmqpMessageProducer $messageProducer, Flavour $flavour)
                    $this->producer = $messageProducer;
                    $this->flavour = $flavour;

                public function __invoke($event): void
                    $messageBag = new MessageBag(


    /* ... */

Finally, the two query resolvers should use typed queries:



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder;

use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetBuilding;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetBuildings;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use React\Promise\Deferred;

final class BuildingFinder
     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

     * @var string
    private $collectionName;

    public function __construct(string $collectionName, DocumentStore $documentStore)
        $this->collectionName = $collectionName;
        $this->documentStore = $documentStore;

    public function __invoke($buildingQuery, Deferred $deferred): void
        switch (\get_class($buildingQuery)) {
            case GetBuilding::class:
                /** @var $buildingQuery GetBuilding */
                $this->resolveBuilding($deferred, $buildingQuery->buildingId());
            case GetBuildings::class:
                /** @var $buildingQuery GetBuildings */
                $this->resolveBuildings($deferred, $buildingQuery->name());
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown query. Got "
                    . (is_object($buildingQuery)? get_class($buildingQuery) : gettype($buildingQuery))

    private function resolveBuilding(Deferred $deferred, string $buildingId): void
        $buildingDoc = $this->documentStore->getDoc($this->collectionName, $buildingId);

        if(!$buildingDoc) {
            $deferred->reject(new \RuntimeException('Building not found', 404));


    private function resolveBuildings(Deferred $deferred, string $nameFilter = null): array
        $filter = $nameFilter?
            new DocumentStore\Filter\LikeFilter(Payload::NAME, "%$nameFilter%")
            : new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter();

        $cursor = $this->documentStore->filterDocs($this->collectionName, $filter);


You might have noticed that the queries don't use value objects like commands or events. That's because we don't want to couple the read model with the write model that much. Simple scalar types are usually enough for queries. Validation is done by Json Schema anyway.



namespace App\Infrastructure\Finder;

use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\Finder\Query\GetUserBuildingList;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use React\Promise\Deferred;

final class UserBuildingFinder
     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

     * @var string
    private $userBuildingCollection;

     * @var string
    private $buildingCollection;

    public function __construct(DocumentStore $documentStore, string $userBuildingCol, string $buildingCol)
        $this->documentStore = $documentStore;
        $this->userBuildingCollection = $userBuildingCol;
        $this->buildingCollection = $buildingCol;

    public function __invoke(GetUserBuildingList $query, Deferred $deferred): void
        $userBuilding = $this->documentStore->getDoc(

        if(!$userBuilding) {
                'user' => $query->name(),
                'building' => null

        $building = $this->documentStore->getDoc(

        if(!$building) {
                'user' => $query->name(),
                'building' => null

            'user' => $query->name(),
            'building' => $building

That's it! You can use the Swagger UI to test changes.

Or wait! We did not run the tests!

docker-compose run php php vendor/bin/phpunit

Doesn't look good, right? Let's fix them!

The skeleton provides a BaseTestCase and in its setUp method we can change the Flavour used during testing.


namespace AppTest;

use App\Infrastructure\Flavour\AppMessagePort;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Container\ContainerChain;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Container\EventMachineContainer;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\FunctionalFlavour;

class BaseTestCase extends TestCase
     * @var EventMachine
    protected $eventMachine;

     * @var Flavour
    protected $flavour;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->eventMachine = new EventMachine();
        $this->flavour = new FunctionalFlavour(new AppMessagePort());

        $config = include __DIR__ . '/../config/autoload/global.php';

        foreach ($config['event_machine']['descriptions'] as $description) {

            new ContainerChain(
                new FlavourContainer($this->flavour),
                new EventMachineContainer($this->eventMachine)

    /* ... */

The assertRecordedEvent method needs an adjustment, too:


namespace AppTest;

use App\Infrastructure\Flavour\AppMessagePort;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Container\ContainerChain;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Container\EventMachineContainer;
use Prooph\EventMachine\EventMachine;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Runtime\FunctionalFlavour;

class BaseTestCase extends TestCase
     * @var EventMachine
    protected $eventMachine;

     * @var Flavour
    protected $flavour;

    /* ... */

    protected function assertRecordedEvent(string $eventName, array $payload, array $events, $assertNotRecorded = false): void
        $isRecorded = false;

        foreach ($events as $evt) {
            if($evt === null) {

            //Convert domain events to raw data
            $evtName = Event::nameOf($evt);
            $evtPayload = $evt->toArray();

            if($eventName === $evtName) {
                $isRecorded = true;

                if(!$assertNotRecorded) {
                    $this->assertEquals($payload, $evtPayload, "Payload of recorded event $evtName does not match with expected payload.");

        if($assertNotRecorded) {
            $this->assertFalse($isRecorded, "Event $eventName is recorded");
        } else {
            $this->assertTrue($isRecorded, "Event $eventName is not recorded");

NotifySecurityTest contains a mocked UiExchange. We changed the interface earlier, but did not change the mock. The test itself needs minor adjustments, too.




namespace AppTest\Integration;

use App\Api\Command;
use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus\UiExchange;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;

final class NotifySecurityTest extends BaseTestCase
    const BUILDING_ID = '7c5f0c8a-54f2-4969-9596-b5bddc1e9421';
    const BUILDING_NAME = 'Acme Headquarters';
    const USERNAME = 'John';

    private $uiExchange;

    protected function setUp()
        //The BaseTestCase loads all Event Machine descriptions configured in config/autoload/global.php

        //Mock UiExchange with an anonymous class that keeps track of the last received message
        $this->uiExchange = new class implements UiExchange {

            private $lastReceivedMessage;

            public function __invoke($event): void
                $this->lastReceivedMessage = $event;

            public function lastReceivedMessage()
                return $this->lastReceivedMessage;

     * @test
    public function it_detects_double_check_in_and_notifies_security()
        //Add history events that should have been recorded before current test scenario
                $this->message(Event::BUILDING_ADDED, [
                    Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
                    Payload::NAME => self::BUILDING_NAME
                $this->message(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, [
                    Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
                    Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME
            //Provide mocked services used in current test scenario, if you forget one the test will throw an exception
            //You don't have to mock the event store and document store, that is done internally
                //Remember, UiExchange is our process manager that pushes events to rabbit
                //Event Machine is configured to push DoubleCheckInDetected events on to UiExchange (src/Api/Listener.php)
                UiExchange::class => $this->uiExchange

        //Try to check in John twice
        $checkInJohn = $this->message(Command::CHECK_IN_USER, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME


        //After dispatch $this->lastPublishedEvent points to the event received by UiExchange mock

        $this->assertEquals(Event::DOUBLE_CHECK_IN_DETECTED, Event::nameOf($this->uiExchange->lastReceivedMessage()));

            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME
        ], $this->uiExchange->lastReceivedMessage()->toArray());

Next on the list is BuildingTest. It breaks because we introduced types for building state properties. That's going to be an easy fix.



namespace AppTest\Model;

use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use App\Model\Building;

class BuildingTest extends BaseTestCase
    /* ... */

     * @test
    public function it_detects_double_check_in()
        /* ... */

        $state = $state->withCheckedInUser(Building\Username::fromString($this->username));

        /* ... */

And last adjustments in UserBuildingListTest::it_manages_list_of_users_with_building_reference(). The projector expects dedicated event objects now.



namespace AppTest\Infrastructure\Projector;

use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\Projector\UserBuildingList;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedIn;
use App\Model\Building\Event\UserCheckedOut;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\InMemoryConnection;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\AggregateProjector;

final class UserBuildingListTest extends BaseTestCase
    const APP_VERSION = '0.1.0';
    const PROJECTION_NAME = 'user_building_list';
    const BUILDING_ID = '7c5f0c8a-54f2-4969-9596-b5bddc1e9421';
    const USERNAME1 = 'John';
    const USERNAME2 = 'Jane';

     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

     * @var UserBuildingList
    private $projector;

    protected function setUp()

        $this->documentStore = new DocumentStore\InMemoryDocumentStore(new InMemoryConnection());
        $this->projector = new UserBuildingList($this->documentStore);
        $this->projector->prepareForRun(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME);

     * @test
    public function it_manages_list_of_users_with_building_reference()
        $collection = AggregateProjector::generateCollectionName(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME);

        $johnCheckedIn = UserCheckedIn::fromArray([
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME1

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $johnCheckedIn);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'John' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID]

        $janeCheckedIn = UserCheckedIn::fromArray([
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME2

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $janeCheckedIn);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'John' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],
            'Jane' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],

        $johnCheckedOut = UserCheckedOut::fromArray([
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME1

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $johnCheckedOut);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'Jane' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],

Tests are green again. Refactoring finished successfully. Was it worth the effort? Switching the Flavour is quite some workt to do, isn't it? Depending on the amount of already written code and tests this task can take some days and you need to make sure that you don't break existing functionality. On the other hand you get a fully decoupled domain model. Of course, it's also possible to use another Flavour right from the beginning. But keep in mind, that the PrototypingFlavour saves a lot of time in the early days of a project. You don't know if the first app version really meets business and user needs. You can only try and experiment. The faster you have a working app, the faster you can get feedback from users and stakeholders. A lean implementation and simple infrastructure gives you a lot of flexibility at the beginning. Starting with a MVP is not a new concept. Event Machine just gives you a nice tool to build one and reuse parts of your experiments in later project phases. Also using CQRS / ES from day one gives you full advantage of a reactive system.

Still curious to see what the OopFlavour can do? The last bonus part sheds light on it.

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