Bonus II - Unit and Integration Tests

Unit testing the different parts of the application is easy. In most cases we have single purpose classes and functions that can be tested without mocking.

Testing Aggregate functions

Aggregate functions are pure which makes them easy to test. event-machine-skeleton provides some test helpers in tests/BaseTestCase.php, so, if you extend from that base class, you're ready to go. Add a folder Model in tests and a class BuildingTest with the following content:


namespace AppTest\Model;

use App\Api\Command;
use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use App\Model\Building;

class BuildingTest extends BaseTestCase
    private $buildingId;
    private $buildingName;
    private $username;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->buildingId = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
        $this->buildingName = 'Acme Headquarters';
        $this->username = 'John';


     * @test
    public function it_checks_in_a_user()
        //Prepare expected aggregate state
        $state = Building\State::fromArray([
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->buildingName

        //Use test helper BaseTestCase::message() to construct command
        $command = $this->message(Command::CHECK_IN_USER, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->username,

        //Aggregate functions yield events which turns them into Generators (special type of an Iterator)
        $events = iterator_to_array(
            Building::checkInUser($state, $command)

        //Another test helper to assert that list of recorded events contains given event
        $this->assertRecordedEvent(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->username
        ], $events);

     * @test
    public function it_detects_double_check_in()
        //Prepare expected aggregate state
        $state = Building\State::fromArray([
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->buildingName

        $state = $state->withCheckedInUser($this->username);

        //Use test helper BaseTestCase::message() to construct command
        $command = $this->message(Command::CHECK_IN_USER, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->username,

        //Aggregate functions yield events which turns them into Generators (special type of an Iterator)
        $events = iterator_to_array(
            Building::checkInUser($state, $command)

        //Another test helper to assert that list of recorded events contains given event
        $this->assertRecordedEvent(Event::DOUBLE_CHECK_IN_DETECTED, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => $this->buildingId,
            Payload::NAME => $this->username
        ], $events);

        //And the other way round, list should not contain event with given name
        $this->assertNotRecordedEvent(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, $events);

You can run tests with:

docker-compose run php php vendor/bin/phpunit

Testing Projectors

Testing projectors is also easy when they use the DocumentStore API to manage projections. Event Machine ships with an InMemoryDocumentStore implementation that works great in test cases. Here is an example:




namespace AppTest\Infrastructure\Projector;

use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\Projector\UserBuildingList;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\DocumentStore;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Persistence\InMemoryConnection;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Projecting\AggregateProjector;

final class UserBuildingListTest extends BaseTestCase
    const APP_VERSION = '0.1.0';
    const PROJECTION_NAME = 'user_building_list';
    const BUILDING_ID = '7c5f0c8a-54f2-4969-9596-b5bddc1e9421';
    const USERNAME1 = 'John';
    const USERNAME2 = 'Jane';

     * @var DocumentStore
    private $documentStore;

     * @var UserBuildingList
    private $projector;

    protected function setUp()

        $this->documentStore = new DocumentStore\InMemoryDocumentStore(new InMemoryConnection());
        $this->projector = new UserBuildingList($this->documentStore);
        $this->projector->prepareForRun(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME);

     * @test
    public function it_manages_list_of_users_with_building_reference()
        $collection = AggregateProjector::generateCollectionName(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME);

        $johnCheckedIn = $this->message(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME1

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $johnCheckedIn);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'John' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID]

        $janeCheckedIn = $this->message(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME2

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $janeCheckedIn);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'John' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],
            'Jane' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],

        $johnCheckedOut = $this->message(Event::USER_CHECKED_OUT, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME1

        $this->projector->handle(self::APP_VERSION, self::PROJECTION_NAME, $johnCheckedOut);

        $users = iterator_to_array($this->documentStore->filterDocs($collection, new DocumentStore\Filter\AnyFilter()));

        $this->assertEquals($users, [
            'Jane' => ['buildingId' => self::BUILDING_ID],

Testing Finders

Finders can be tested in the same manner as projectors, using the InMemoryDocumentStore with prefilled data. I will leave implementing these tests as an exercise for you ;)

Integration Tests

If you want to test the "whole thing" then you can make use of Event Machine's test mode. In test mode Event Machine is set up with an InMemoryEventStore and an InMemoryDocumentStore. A special PSR-11 container ensures that all other services are mocked. Let's see it in action. The annotated integration test should be self explanatory.




namespace AppTest\Integration;

use App\Api\Command;
use App\Api\Event;
use App\Api\Payload;
use App\Infrastructure\ServiceBus\UiExchange;
use AppTest\BaseTestCase;
use Prooph\EventMachine\Messaging\Message;

final class NotifySecurityTest extends BaseTestCase
    const BUILDING_ID = '7c5f0c8a-54f2-4969-9596-b5bddc1e9421';
    const BUILDING_NAME = 'Acme Headquarters';
    const USERNAME = 'John';

    private $uiExchange;

    protected function setUp()
        //The BaseTestCase loads all Event Machine descriptions configured in config/autoload/global.php

        //Mock UiExchange with an anonymous class that keeps track of the last received message
        $this->uiExchange = new class implements UiExchange {

            private $lastReceivedMessage;

            public function __invoke(Message $event): void
                $this->lastReceivedMessage = $event;

            public function lastReceivedMessage(): Message
                return $this->lastReceivedMessage;

     * @test
    public function it_detects_double_check_in_and_notifies_security()
            //Add history events that should have been recorded before current test scenario
                $this->message(Event::BUILDING_ADDED, [
                    Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
                    Payload::NAME => self::BUILDING_NAME
                $this->message(Event::USER_CHECKED_IN, [
                    Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
                    Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME
            //Provide mocked services used in current test scenario, if you forget one the test will throw an exception
            //You don't have to mock the event store and document store, that is done internally
                //Remember, UiExchange is our process manager that pushes events to rabbit
                //Event Machine is configured to push DoubleCheckInDetected events on to UiExchange (src/Api/Listener.php)
                UiExchange::class => $this->uiExchange

        //Try to check in John twice
        $checkInJohn = $this->message(Command::CHECK_IN_USER, [
            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME


        //After dispatch $this->lastPublishedEvent points to the event received by UiExchange mock

        $this->assertEquals(Event::DOUBLE_CHECK_IN_DETECTED, $this->uiExchange->lastReceivedMessage()->messageName());

            Payload::BUILDING_ID => self::BUILDING_ID,
            Payload::NAME => self::USERNAME
        ], $this->uiExchange->lastReceivedMessage()->payload());

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